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Příspěvek předsedkyně SKS Lidmily Němcové do Newsletteru ESU

Přidáno 5. 3. 2018
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Příspěvek informuje členy ESU o mezinárodním festivalu Mene Tekel 2018 v ČR, který je pravidelně organizován po r. 1990 a připomíná zvůli totalitních režimů. Letos se v rámci  festivalu konaly Dny pro Polsko.
Sdružení křesťanských seniorů se aktivně té události účastní. Jsou to právě senioři, kteří prožili oba totalitní režimy a mohou svým svědectvím přispět a informovat mladou generaci. Demokracie je třeba si vážit a přispívat k demokratickým procesům. 

The  international festival Mene Tekel 2018 in the Czech Republic

As in the previous years the MENE TEKEL festival was in the focus of the Czech SKS activities starting at the end of February. The festival has been regularly organised after 1990 all over the country to illustrate the fight against the totalitarian regimes of both Nazi  and communist periods. The main idea of the 2018 festival was to compare the situation in Poland and in Czechoslovakia. In spite of the fact that in both countries the socialist system  was based on the Marx-Lenin ideology and later on a common cooperation against socialist regime and some specific differences have been disclosed.
The festival proposed to the Czech civic society movies, theatres, exhibitions, round tables, discussions in the schools, meetings, concerts etc. A special conference took part in the building of the Czech Senate in Prague on the heritage of Czech and Polish people during the common fight against the totalitarian systems.
Historical remembrences are very important for the Czech seniors. The role of seniors still remembering the life during WWII and socialist period is to give personal objective testimony and warning to younger generations.
The present situation in many post-communist countries is discovering new serious dangers for their really democratic development.
Lidmila Nemcová, president of the SKS - Czech Republic